Resident Application Requirements

Fellowship Hall is a New York limited profit housing company formed under the Mitchell-Lama Act as a cooperative that is regulated by the New York State Division of Homes and Community Renewal (“HCR”).  As a cooperative, individuals purchase shares of common stock of Fellowship Hall that entitle them to reside in a specific residential unit.

Eligibility Requirements for Cooperators

Under New York State laws, rules and regulations for Mitchell-Lama housing companies and Fellowship Hall’s corporate governance documents, rules and regulations, cooperators/residents must satisfy all of the following eligibility requirements:

Minimum Age

Each cooperator and resident of Fellowship Hall must be at least 62 years old.

Maximum Income Requirements

All cooperators must on initial occupancy satisfy maximum income requirements established by HCR.  At January 1, 2023, the maximum income requirements for units housing one or two people were $56,666.40 for an Efficiency, $65,541 for a One Bedroom Lower Unit, $70,035 for a One Bedroom Upper Unit, and $77,620.20 for a two bedroom unit.  In addition, for cooperators residing in one of the 41 units that have previously benefitted from funding under the HUD HOME Program, a second set of maximum income requirements established by Westchester County apply.  As of January 1, 2023, these maximum income requirements are $82,250 if one person occupies a unit and $94,000 if two persons occupy a unit.  Annually, cooperators are required to provide Income Affidavits verifying their incomes.  Surcharges are imposed if cooperators earn incomes above the then applicable maximum amounts in subsequent years.

Independent Living Requirement

All cooperators must at all times be capable of living independently.  Fellowship Hall does not provide assisted living or skilled nursing care.  The Board may require a cooperator to provide a written opinion of a qualified physician concluding that the cooperator is capable of performing specific basic activities for daily living.

Creditworthiness and Income

If any cooperator defaults on its financial obligations to Fellowship Hall, because Fellowship Hall is a cooperative, all of the remaining cooperators will ultimately be required to pay such amount. This would not be fair. Therefore, all cooperators must have a credit record that establishes them as financially responsible and having adequate sources of income to satisfy their obligations to Fellowship Hall.

Pass Background Check

The applicant must also pass a background check that does not identify falsified information in the application, prior fraud, criminal activity or other behavior that could place the health, safety or right to peaceful enjoyment of the premises by the other cooperators at risk.

No Pets

Fellowship Hall’s Rules and Regulations do not permit cooperators to keep pets in their units.

Regulatory Approval of Applicant

All applicants for cooperators must be approved by HCR and, for HOME Units, also approved by Westchester County.

Nondiscrimination Commitment

Since the commencement of its operations in the early 1960’s, Fellowship Hall has provided affordable housing to a diverse population of seniors, and has been committed to nondiscrimination in its marketing and cooperator selection.  As required by law, Fellowship Hall has always been, and continues to be, committed to nondiscrimination in the sale of its shares of common stock and the leasing of its units.  Fellowship Hall does not discriminate in such sale or leasing on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status or disability; provided, however, that Fellowship Hall will continue, as permitted under applicable laws and regulations, to provide affordable housing only to seniors who are at least 62 years old and who are capable of living independently.

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